Spend more time with yourself.
I was inspired to challenge myself to 30 days of sharing a habit, idea or lesson I’ve learned. To push myself out there, to share and to shine my light brighter.
One of the best ways I’ve learned to move forward in my life is by getting to know myself. If you don’t spend time with yourself, how can you ever know what you want, what you believe in, what lights you up, what isn’t working…all those things that give us our true direction.
Spend more time with yourself. A lot of people don’t like to be alone. I love being with myself. I listen to music, journal, read, make art, write, walk in nature, take road trips…I could never get bored with myself. Maybe that’s from practice and part of it is by spending more time with myself I’ve learned about this girl and I really love her. She’s rad! She has cool thoughts.
This wasn’t my self-talk in my 20’s. It took me a lot of spending time with myself to know the real truth about how I feel about me. Which can get lost if you’re always listening to everything and everyone else. Get quiet and connect to YOU. You can’t hear unless you get quiet💚
Alone time is when I distance myself from the voices of the world so I can hear my own.
1. You Get To Know Yourself & Your Truth
What you focus on, grows. Where do you spend your time and attention? Is it listening to what other people say about you? Do you still believe what that person in high school said they think about you? Or are you looking at what everyone else on social media is doing and think that's who you should be too?
If you're not spending time with yourself, you're most likely spending it with other influences. The truest, most honest person you can ever listen to you is you. You are the only one who knows the truth about you, what you want, what's best for you, what's true for you.
I used to doubt myself and ask my husband, my mom, my friends if they think I was making a good choice. Now, I listen to myself. And if I feel some doubt, I rest on that decision and go back to the drawing board of spending more time with myself because I know that I'll hear my answer. And the only person that can really know my truth is me.
It's you. You're the one.

When you start spending more time alone, you'll start to hear your own voice.
As a girl who spent most of her life listening to everyone else, being swayed so easily by someone else's opinion of me and being run by the truth of what I thought everyone else thought about me, I have become a lioness of my own truth.
And my life has changed completely and for the better! I am empowered. I am confident in myself. I love who I am. I love spending time alone. And it's through spending more daily time alone that this shift came from.

2. You Meet Your Highest Self.
There's a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. ~Rumi
You have a highest self that has a wisdom within her that tells her the truth of who she is, what she wants and what to do next.
For most of my 20's, the voice I listened to was my parents. I listened to what I should do next, who I should be and what was best for me. That was through their eyes and even if it was out of the best intentions, no one else can ever know what's best for you or tell you who you are or who you should be.
No one except YOU.
This is your Highest Self. It's the knowing within you that tells you: Yes, this is for you. No, this isn't right. This feels off. This is who you are, shine your light bright!
Do you have a connection to your Highest Self? If not, whose voice do you live by?
To me, the Highest Self is the God within. It's the Goddess I trust. I know her, I love her and I trust her. So can you.
Start by spending more time and asking yourself questions that allow her a voice to speak to you. Here are some of my favorite questions to ask your Highest Self:
- What do you really want?
- What do you know deep down that you're pretending not to know?
- Who are you really?
- What do I really want?
- What do I know deep down that I'm pretending not to know?
- Who am I really?
3. The Answers Will Guide You.
One of the biggest benefits you'll get from spending more time alone is you'll get the answers you've been looking for!
It's so frustrating to feel stuck, uncertain, and unsure of who you are, what you want and what's next. When you start spending more time with yourself, the answers will come. As you begin to quiet the voices outside of you and all the distractions that keep you from hearing your truth, your truth emerges.
I've learned that simple is beautiful. It's easy to overcomplicate it. You feel unsure about something and you disconnect from your peace because you feel unsteady. You might drink, go out and party, start eating crappy foods, bury yourself in work, etc. You disconnect when what you need most in these times is to get quiet, listen and hear your own voice.
Keep it simple. Spend more time with yourself and you'll find all the answers you've been looking for.

Spending time alone is supportive to you. How many things in life can you list that truly support you in any moment you need? Even truly supportive relationships have a line. Everyone is doing their best and it's up to each of us to take care of ourselves.
If this isn't something that has come easy to you most of your life, that's ok. It just means you get to learn it by spending more time with yourself. By committing to you.
What a beautiful commitment. What a beautiful discipline. What a beautiful honoring.
I recorded a podcast episode to continue your work around this idea of connecting to the mountain of you.
Listen to it here: How To Be Self-Focused & Live True To You
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