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Your Complete Guide On How To Make a Vision Board To Attract What You Want & Discover Your Next Big Vision

Your Complete Guide On How To Make a Vision Board To Attract What You Want & Discover Your Next Big Vision

"Before anything else, comes a vision."

So often we think our current reality is the only one we can have. And we stay in the same spot for months and even years. One of the most important things to harness in your life is the power of possibility.

What could be possible if you dreamed it, believed in it and put all your action into that vision?

Enter a vision board!

"When life feels stale or stuck, that's when it's time to create a new vision board."

The first time I made a vision board, I wanted to lose weight and be happy and proud of myself. I had no idea at the time what that looked like except I just knew my next step was to get healthy and take care of me.

I had this inclination ~this gut feeling~ that I should put how I'm feeling on paper and make a picture I'd look to every day, to keep me grounded in what I wanted and also would serve as a constant reminder of what I really wanted.

I bought a piece of big cardboard at Walgreens, started cutting up old magazines with visions and words that I wanted in my life and after gluing it all down, I had my vision...

I looked at that board every single day and not only did I manifest and attract what I wanted, but I also created what I wanted.

All because of this visual reminder of my vision and what I was aiming for that kept me taking action towards that. 

"Before goals and action comes a vision. And without vision, your goals and actions aren't clear."

If you've never done a vision board, great. 

If you've done a hundred vision boards before, cool. 

You landed on this page because you felt it was time to create a new one, so let's get to it!

One of the most important things to know about a vision board is to focus solely on your vision board right now. Don't worry about your master plan, what your goals will be or even what the next step is after this. Right now, put all your energy, focus and heart into this action step and I promise you your vision will turn out so much more true and perfect than it would have if you were worrying about other things. 

Let's get this party started!

Step 1: Choose your images

You can use old magazines if you want but I really liked doing my latest (pictured) vision board by choosing my own images on Pinterest and then printing them. It allows you more freedom to really choose the images you want on your board vs. what's just available in magazines.

SET THE MOOD: turn some music on, sip your coffee and make sure you're in a space where there are no distractions. Creating your vision board isn't something you haphazardly do, it's something you do with focused intention. Make sure you're mentally in a good place where you feel inspired and excited to do this!

HOW TO SELECT YOUR IMAGES: the best way I can encourage you here is to tell you to listen to your intuition. She's strong and she's got a bold voice all you have to do is let her speak. She speaks through emotion. When you go through Pinterest and you're intentionally there looking for what you want next in your life, you open yourself up to the signs. Let the photos choose you. When it feels right, save it. Don't worry just save anything that feels right and makes you feel how you really want to feel in your life. 

AN EXAMPLE: When doing my last board, I came across a picture of a Ford Bronco. I had no idea what it had to do with my vision except that once I saved it and started thinking about it, I realized I've always loved Bronco's and now, it's my dream car. It's in my big vision and so you see the power of being open to what pulls you in. Sometimes we have things hidden so deep that all we need to do is breathe life into them and then poof, they start breathing. 

HAVE FUN: Biggest thing...have fun! Enjoy this time dreaming without limitations. Envisioning without self-doubt. Just be in the moment and have fun.

1. On Pinterest, go through your favorite quotes and images then save them to your camera roll by tapping the 3 dots on the image and clicking "Download Image" {see example above}

2. Get about 40-50 images for a large poster size vision board

3. Once you have your images and you feel good, it's time to edit them down. Go through your images and make sure they are a "hell yes!" Discard the ones that aren't. Ask yourself, "Is this something I really want to call into my life?" Whatever doesn't fit in that answer as a yes, delete. 

4. Once you have 30-50 solid images, download the Kodak Moments App. Select a local CVS or Walgreens to send the prints to and add your images to the app. Go through the steps and once you finish ~it usually takes an hour to develop~ put your boots on and head out to pick up your provisions.

Step 2: Get Your Supplies & Pickup Your Images

Hit up your local CVS or Walgreens and grab:

1. a large poster 

2. a glue stick

3. your printed images

good to go.

Step 3: Create Magic

Turn on some killer music {like my Spotify Playlist}, light a candle and lay everything out on a flat surface.

Lay out your images first to get an idea of where you want them to go on my board or you can just flow with it and start pasting:)

Be sure to cover the corners of each image with your glue stick and press the pictures down so they glue completely. Enjoy yourself and let the images speak to you as you glue them.

Once you're finished, step back and look at the magic

Me & Janny pre-magic making

I always think it's really cool to see your final board and to ask yourself what these images and words mean for you. A lot of times I find patterns in what I'm drawn to and what I choose. It's almost like it starts speaking to you and reflecting back to you what you are deep down. Who you are and what you want. Or maybe even what you've always been but hasn't yet been expressed fully. 

After your board is finished, hang or place it somewhere you'll see it every single day. I like to put mine in my office because I spend a lot of my time there each day. Before I worked from home I'd put it on my living room wall where I'd see it every morning and night. 

Create a ritual around looking at your vision board every single day. 

My friend looks at hers and reads every quote as she's lacing up her shoes to go to the gym. Create your own time each day that you'll look at your board. 

You have your vision board, you look at it every day, so now what? 

I got you girl. Next post coming is going to be around setting goals to get to your vision. For now, focus on your board, enjoy it and listen to what it's trying to tell you.

I hope you have so much fun creating your vision board. When you finish, take a pic and tag me at @fierceforwardjewelry on Instagram

Fierce Forward & keep shining bright,

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